ROBESON TWP., Pa. - A nonprofit alignment is adulatory the achievement of its latest accommodation activity in Berks County.

Housing Development Corporation MidAtlantic cut the award Tuesday on its River Run Meadows accommodation circuitous off Route 724 in Robe Township.
The community, amid on about 50 acreage of acreage amid Reading and Birdsboro, appearance six residential barrio that ade of one- and two bedchamber accommodation apments, as able-bodied as two- two- and three-bedroom towns.

Monthly rents amt from $195 to $950.
"This is the aboriginal affordable ancestors accommodation activity alfresco the burghal of Reading in decades," said Berks County Commissioner Christian Leinbach.

The ribbon-cutting comes about a year afterwards HDC MidAtlantic bankrupt arena on the $14.1-million, 58-unit development, which additionally includes laundry facilities, a ociation acquisition space, and a multipurpose able-bodied court. It's additionally amid adjoining to the Schuylkill River Trail.
The Pennsylia Accommodation Finance Agency awarded $1,132,144 in low-income accommodation tax credits to the development.

As allotment of the transaction, HDC MidAtlantic annexed allotment of the 50-acre armpit to Natural Lands Trust, a nonprofit acreage attention aculation that aims to ure forests, fields, streams, and lands in eastern Pennsylia.
HDC MidAtlantic already operates a dinal of accommodation complexes in Berks County, including the Skyline View, Penns Common Court, and Providence House apments in Reading.

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